20 Minnie Street Cairns Qld. 4870

IPL Hair Removal


Treatment Plan
Cairns Clear Skin offers permanent hair reduction. This means that in most cases the majority of hair will not return after a short series of treatment. This course of treatment varies from person to person, but will usually be
about 6 – 8 regular sessions possibly about a month to three months apart followed by some maintenance treatment.

The hair that is going to disappear for good will usually stop growing within this initial regular treatment phase, with any residual hair growth being finer, softer, lighter in colour and re-growing at a dramatically slower rate. This residual hair growth can be left alone, treated by electrolysis or you can have occasional laser/IPL maintenance treatments, which can vary from a few months apart to once a year.

The degree of hair loss and the time taken to get results will vary from person to person as there are many factors that can influence hair growth. For maximum results you need to follow the initial phase regularly as recommended by your therapist.

Our state-of-the-art IPL /Dual light technology delivers rapid pulses of high intensity to the targeted area. The light energy is converted into heat, which destroys the hair follicle at the shaft effectively preventing future hair growth.


How does IPL work?
IPL stands for intense pulsed light. It works by targeting particular hair colours with specific wavelengths that correspond to a particular colour. The IPL light targets the cells, is converted to heat and destroys the hair follicle. IPL works most effectively when the hair is in a growth stage and is attached to the base of the follicle with a blood supply.

When destroyed in its growth stage, the follicle is unable to further produce any hair.
The advantage of this particular IPL laser hair removal machine is that it operates a very fast applicator with high speeds around 10 pulses per second.
This advanced application reduces the treatment time on a large area such as a full back or legs.

Are there any side effects?
IPL hair removal does have some risks, including excess pigmentation or inadequate effect. It is vital that you have your procedure in a clinic by a skilled and trained operator and using up-to-date equipment. When performed by Liz or one of our highly skilled clinicians, there should be minimal discomfort however some patients may notice minor temporary swelling or redness immediately after their procedure.

Some clients are advised to go on a pre treatment product which will prevent and lighten pigmentation if they are at risk of producing hyper-pigmentation issues.

How many IPL treatments do I need?
Depending upon hair thickness, the size of the area to be treated and the hair’s growth cycle, patients generally require between 6 to 8 treatments to ensure all hair follicles are eventually caught at the right time in their cycle and destroyed.

What does it feel like?
As IPL uses heat to destroy the hair follicle, during the treatment some people may experience a sensation similar to an elastic band flicking the skin. Our special cooling system assists our patients in experiencing minimal discomfort.

Sun Issues
Laser & Intense Pulsed Light are attracted to melanin, the pigment [colour] found in hair and skin. Hair needs to have colour for hair removal treatment to be effective, but if there is colour in the skin there can be complications as light will possibly absorb into it.

Darker skin types with the Dual SHR can be treated but will require more treatments than the fairer skin type.

A recent tan is also a potential problem as the light will be attracted to the newly formed melanin in the skin causing hyper or hypo pigmentation. We recommend you avoid sun exposure on the treatment area for at least 6 weeks pre and post treatment. At all other times use a 30+ sun block.

Sun beds need to be avoided in the same way as sun.

Spray on and instant tan products are pigments. The skin should be clean of any such products before each treatment.

If you are having rejuvenation or pigmentation treatments on the hands, wear cotton gloves when driving, gardening or playing outdoor sports.

A 30+ sun block should be applied to treatment area if there is any likelihood of sun exposure.

What to Expect
Because treated follicles have been heated, the area may become red and possibly swell for a day or so. Swelling results from heat, not infection, and is therefore normal and expected. Crusts can occasionally form in some spots. Again, this does not mean infection and does not mean the area will scar. Do not pick at the crusting.

You may notice dead hair surfacing for 2-3 weeks after treatment. Although this may appear to be new growth, it is not. This process is called purging or shedding and will take time to complete. You should wipe away these hairs with a damp cloth or exfoliate with a loofah or “Buff-Puff’ once the sensitivity of treated area resolves. Start this exfoliating process 1 week after treatment, but no earlier.

For optimal results multiple treatments are necessary. It is recommended that the first four treatments are no longer than four weeks apart. After that, follow your technicians’ advice.