Our skin protects us first and foremost, we use it to touch and feel, to cool down and to show our emotions. It is our interface with the world and that is what makes it so unique.
We know that healthy skin is vital for our personal well-being. As today’s society imposes its ideals of beauty and underlines the role of physical appearance in personal and professional success, even a benign skin disease or condition, because it is visible, can have a negative impact on people, such as loss of self-esteem. This can have far-reaching consequences, causing clients to become introverted and unsociable and it certainly prevents them from living their lives to the fullest. I often see it in acne clients in particular that have a function to go to and all of a sudden may get a breakout and not want to go out into the public.
With the ageing population on the increase, the importance of looking youthful cannot be underestimated. As the older generation leads busy lives and takes an active part in society, they also have higher expectations with regards to their appearance and their need to ‘look the way they feel’.
Cairns Clear Skin recognises the importance of having healthy skin at any age and is focused on finding effective solutions for a whole range of skin conditions, so that clients can be treated successfully and can maintain healthy skin throughout their lives.
Liz believes healthy skin comes from the inside out. What you choose to put into your body will reflect itself on your skin. Diets filled with processed foods often leave skin looking and feeling dull, oily, and discoloured. But nourished bodies that are fuelled with whole foods containing the recommended amount of vitamins often display a much healthier appearance. What vitamins do you need and what exactly do they do? Cairns Clear Skin looks at a Holistic approach to treating your skin and also has a range of wellness products and vitamins full of antioxidants and Omega 3 to get you on the right track.
In much the same way we eat a diet full of antioxidants to promote the health of our bodies, our skin requires strong topical, active antioxidants and vitamins to repair environmental damage and improve the skins health and appearance, now and into the future.
Whether its improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, sun damage, acne or rosacea, Liz has years of experience to customize treatments and recommend an effective homecare routine to suit every budget and lifestyle.
Liz Franz Director